Thursday, 20 March 2014

Strategic Plan

African Automotive Industry Alliance (AAIA)

Strategic Plan
The African Automotive Industry Alliance (AAIA) is a regional organization bringing together automotive industry players and stakeholders in Africa so as to devise solutions that enhance the prosperity of the industry. Suppliers, agents, service providers, government and academia need to work collaboratively to improve the automotive industry practices and standards. Stakeholders will work together to resolve issues critical to the automotive industry in Africa.

Objective of AAIA;
1.      To network and bring together African countries’ national automotive associations.
2.      To support the establishment and strengthening of African countries’ national automotive industry associations.
3.      To promote and encourage growth and development in the Automotive Industry through joint approaches, endeavors and actions amongst it members.
4.      To provide guidance and advice to each automotive business organisation in dialogues and exchange of ideas between business representatives and related government organisations of each country.
5.      To foster and promote closer relationship and coopeartion between and amongst the automotive business sectors in Africa.
6.      To promote the compilation and circulation of statistics and other information relevant to the Automotive Industry in Africa.
7.      To promote the common business interests of those engages in  the automotive service industry in Africa.
8.      To maintain close relationship and cooperation with regional and international organisations having similar aims and objectives.

AAIA's Activities
Industry analysis and representation
AAIA will monitor and analyze issues of common interest to its members to develop and support the common interest of automotive suppliers. It will inform its members about all trends and important industry developments and impacts.

Government relations and advocacy
AAIA will represent its members’ interests vis-à-vis the legislative and administrative bodies at international organizations, African Union and United Nations level and support those institutions in dealing with matters relevant to the automotive industry by presenting the views of suppliers.

Public relations and media
Being the voice of automotive industry, AAIA will respond to media inquiries about trends in the industry and about its activities. It will also work to enhance the industry image and promote its importance to the economy.

Strategic alliances
AAIA will establish leverage effects by maintaining contacts, form alliances and promote synergies with other African and international automotive associations and relevant parties.

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